Créez des haïkus authentiques en quelques secondes

Transformez vos idées en haïkus parfaitement structurés en 5-7-5 syllabes avec des références saisonnières et des images naturelles. Notre assistant intelligent vous aide à maîtriser cette forme d'art japonaise ancestrale.

AutoCaret Demo

Du concept au poème final

Créez votre haïku en 3 étapes

Notre outil vous guide à travers les éléments essentiels de la composition d'un haïku


Saisissez votre image ou idée centrale

Écrivez l'image centrale ou le moment que vous souhaitez capturer dans votre haïku


Structurez vos vers

Notre compteur de syllabes vous aide à obtenir le schéma parfait 5-7-5


Ajoutez des éléments saisonniers

Choisissez parmi les références saisonnières traditionnelles pour enrichir votre haïku

Approuvé par les poètes du monde entier

Rejoignez des milliers de créateurs de haïkus authentiques

100,000+Haïkus créés
17Syllabes par poème
4.8/5Note des utilisateurs


Questions fréquentes



ContexFlow cut my document creation time in half. The AI assistance is like having a writing partner.


Finally, a tool that lets me focus on ideas instead of formatting. Game-changer for our team's documentation.


The templates and AI features make creating professional documents so much easier. Love how it works with both Word and Markdown.


ContexFlow cut my document creation time in half. The AI assistance is like having a writing partner.


Finally, a tool that lets me focus on ideas instead of formatting. Game-changer for our team's documentation.


The templates and AI features make creating professional documents so much easier. Love how it works with both Word and Markdown.


ContexFlow cut my document creation time in half. The AI assistance is like having a writing partner.


Finally, a tool that lets me focus on ideas instead of formatting. Game-changer for our team's documentation.


The templates and AI features make creating professional documents so much easier. Love how it works with both Word and Markdown.


Real-time collaboration with AI assistance has transformed how our team creates reports. Highly recommended!


The ability to import content from different sources and have AI help organize it is incredible. Perfect for content creation.


ContexFlow's AI understands context so well. It's like having a smart writing assistant that knows exactly what you need.


Real-time collaboration with AI assistance has transformed how our team creates reports. Highly recommended!


The ability to import content from different sources and have AI help organize it is incredible. Perfect for content creation.


ContexFlow's AI understands context so well. It's like having a smart writing assistant that knows exactly what you need.


Real-time collaboration with AI assistance has transformed how our team creates reports. Highly recommended!


The ability to import content from different sources and have AI help organize it is incredible. Perfect for content creation.


ContexFlow's AI understands context so well. It's like having a smart writing assistant that knows exactly what you need.


ContexFlow cut my document creation time in half. The AI assistance is like having a writing partner.


Finally, a tool that lets me focus on ideas instead of formatting. Game-changer for our team's documentation.


The templates and AI features make creating professional documents so much easier. Love how it works with both Word and Markdown.


ContexFlow cut my document creation time in half. The AI assistance is like having a writing partner.


Finally, a tool that lets me focus on ideas instead of formatting. Game-changer for our team's documentation.


The templates and AI features make creating professional documents so much easier. Love how it works with both Word and Markdown.


ContexFlow cut my document creation time in half. The AI assistance is like having a writing partner.


Finally, a tool that lets me focus on ideas instead of formatting. Game-changer for our team's documentation.


The templates and AI features make creating professional documents so much easier. Love how it works with both Word and Markdown.


Real-time collaboration with AI assistance has transformed how our team creates reports. Highly recommended!


The ability to import content from different sources and have AI help organize it is incredible. Perfect for content creation.


ContexFlow's AI understands context so well. It's like having a smart writing assistant that knows exactly what you need.


Real-time collaboration with AI assistance has transformed how our team creates reports. Highly recommended!


The ability to import content from different sources and have AI help organize it is incredible. Perfect for content creation.


ContexFlow's AI understands context so well. It's like having a smart writing assistant that knows exactly what you need.


Real-time collaboration with AI assistance has transformed how our team creates reports. Highly recommended!


The ability to import content from different sources and have AI help organize it is incredible. Perfect for content creation.


ContexFlow's AI understands context so well. It's like having a smart writing assistant that knows exactly what you need.


ContexFlow cut my document creation time in half. The AI assistance is like having a writing partner.


Finally, a tool that lets me focus on ideas instead of formatting. Game-changer for our team's documentation.


The templates and AI features make creating professional documents so much easier. Love how it works with both Word and Markdown.


ContexFlow cut my document creation time in half. The AI assistance is like having a writing partner.


Finally, a tool that lets me focus on ideas instead of formatting. Game-changer for our team's documentation.


The templates and AI features make creating professional documents so much easier. Love how it works with both Word and Markdown.


ContexFlow cut my document creation time in half. The AI assistance is like having a writing partner.


Finally, a tool that lets me focus on ideas instead of formatting. Game-changer for our team's documentation.


The templates and AI features make creating professional documents so much easier. Love how it works with both Word and Markdown.


Real-time collaboration with AI assistance has transformed how our team creates reports. Highly recommended!


The ability to import content from different sources and have AI help organize it is incredible. Perfect for content creation.


ContexFlow's AI understands context so well. It's like having a smart writing assistant that knows exactly what you need.


Real-time collaboration with AI assistance has transformed how our team creates reports. Highly recommended!


The ability to import content from different sources and have AI help organize it is incredible. Perfect for content creation.


ContexFlow's AI understands context so well. It's like having a smart writing assistant that knows exactly what you need.


Real-time collaboration with AI assistance has transformed how our team creates reports. Highly recommended!


The ability to import content from different sources and have AI help organize it is incredible. Perfect for content creation.


ContexFlow's AI understands context so well. It's like having a smart writing assistant that knows exactly what you need.

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